Talent-Quatro Šternberk CZ 2025


For the year 2025 They are members of WORLD LEAGUE – One Loft Racing.

The contribution for 1 dove is 100 € , there will be not necessary any later activation. The awarding is planned for 1300 of paid young doves. In the case of plus, minus 10% of the non corresponding number of the paid young with the planned number, the amount of awards will be modified in both directions. A binding order is considered only fully paid order.

The registration for participation in OLR Talent Quatro Šternberk could be filled out on the web page www.talent-quatro.cz , menu “Application form”.

The number of young doves from one member is not limited. The team is set to a maximum of 12 pieces. If the fancier delivers more than 12 pieces, he has to mark the individual teams by letters “A”, “B”, etc. 1 young doves will be received free of charge for 5 paid young doves.

Receiving pigeons from 1.3. 2025 to 10.5. 2025
Please, submit the young doves in the age of at least 40 days, nevertheless, the older doves are better. The veterinarian confirmation of realised vaccination against the paramyxo (PMV) must be submitted with the delivering of the young doves, the vaccination must not be realised at least 14 days before the submitting. We recommend the vaccination in the nest. Please, note that the YOUNG DOVES WILL NOT BE RECEIVED without the confirmation. No exception!!!

We will takeover, together with the young doves, the legible family trees accompanied by the proof of property and by the signature of their owner. Please, prepare the list of delivered young doves with their names for the taking over.

If the family tree or the proof of the property will not be delivered, the original owner loses the right for the evaluation and share from the auction. Both of them become the benefit of the organiser.

By payment of the contribution and by taking over of the young doves, the original owner agrees with the conditions in full scope and the new owners becomes automatically the announcer of the Race, the Talent Quatro z.s..

Medical Care
The organiser of this competition undertakes to do new vaccination against the Paramyxo, vaccination against the Diphtery. The One Loft Race Talent Quatro Šternberk will be under regular veterinary supervision of Mr. MVDr. Pavel Maňák.

Trainings and Races
The actual races schedule is placed on www.talent-quatro.cz , menu Races & Competitions.

The prices of auctioned young doves decreased by the price of picture will be divided in the ratio of 50% for the original owner and 50% for the Talent Quatro z.s..

The young doves that will not be sold in the first round of the auction, or will return after the race, became the property of the Talent Quatro z.s.. It will offer them eventually in the second round for the lower starting price. The original owner loses the right for the ration of the auctioned sum.

Cancellation of the public competition
The organiser may cancel the public competition in case of extraordinary situations. Typical example of this would be the announcing the situation of infection by national veterinary body, e.g. birds fever. In this case, the young doves would be sent back to the original owners incl. the amount of 40,- € for 1 young dove.
But, after the agreement with original owners, there could take place a big auction, from which gain 50% would fall to the original owner and 50% to the Talent Quatro z.s.. The auctioned sum will be always reduced for the price for the photo.


1. 15.000 €
2. 8.000 €
3. 6.000 €

4. 5.000 €
5. 4.000 €
6. 3.000 €
7. 2.000 €
8. 1.500 €
9. 1.300 €
10. 1.100 €

11. – 20. 500 €
21. – 30. 300 €
31. – 50. 150 €
51. –100. 100 €

1. 200 €
2. 100 €
3. 80 €

1. 300 €
2. 200 €
3. 100 €

1. 400 €
2. 300 €
3. 200 €

1. 500 €
2. 400 €
3. 300 €
4. 200 €
5. 100 €

1. 600 €
2. 500 €
3. 400 €
4. 300 €
5. 200 €
6. 100 €
7. 100 €
8. 100 €
9. 100 €
10. 100 €

1. 1.500 €

1. 1.800 €
2. 1.500 €
3. 800 €

1. 1.500 €
2. 1.000 €
3. 500 €

1. 1.500 €
2. 1.000 €
3. 500 €

1. 2.500 €
2. 2.000 €
3. 1.000 €

There will be awarded by cups always first all three places in each category, with exception of Knock Out. Totally 34 cups.


Knock out
Exciting competition, where the only one failure means disqualification form the competition. The young doves that are coming back within 80 % of the participants from the 1st race, are reaching the 2nd round. In the 2nd race, they have to place within 70% of the participants, next within 50 % and 35%, in the 5th race, they have to be within 20 %. In the last, final race, there wins the first coming young dove from all those, which have fulfilled the above mentioned criterions.

Super Ace
Evaluation from three coefficients – from the three longest races of +300, +400 and +500 km.

Ace pigeon
Evaluation from three coefficients. Two best coefficients will be taken from the five shorter races and the obligatory third coefficient will be added from the final race.

Time Ace
There are counted times of flights from all organised measured trainings and races. The winner is young dove with the lowest sum of times.

Super team 3 pigeons
The first 3 returning young doves from each race will be calculated to each fancier. 6 races in total are organised. Thus, the best fancier must have, if possible, 18 positioned doves with possibly highest sum of 18 coefficients. The placing will be set up preferably according to the number of positioned doves. In the case of same number of prizes, the higher coefficient decides. We are evaluating from 25% racing doves.

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