Training nº12

Place of start Ivanovice na Hané III.
Distance 50 km
Date and time of start 29.08.2024 07:40:00
Weather on the place of start
Weather on the place of finish
Number of placed pigeons 676
Number of breeders 243









Talent-Quatro Team (29.08.2024):

Today we flew training, it was only 50 km, so all’s good. But we were delighted by 6 stray friends who found their way home and were waiting for us on the roof of the dove. Imagine one of them didn’t have a red chip on his foot! He allegedly climbed into a pigeonhole for a snack on the way. But a man came, took off his chip and threw our friend out. He didn’t even give him the food for the chip. These are the people in this world! A friend from Bohdanka will get a new chip in the evening and that will be all
zase OK.
Your Talents 🕊️🕊️🕊️


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