The Champion, after 10 races, with a total of 1.586 km, in 4 different One Loft Races, in 4 different countries, is Wichert Karl-Heinz (Germany), Runner Up Andreas Moeller (Germany) and 3rd Place Ronny De Muynck Pigeons (Belgium).

3rd Place Masters World Cup 2021

After 21 scoring races, in 4 different OLRs, in 4 different countries and almost 5.576 kilometers flown, the main competition; Masters World Cup 2021.


Here are your Results only in 2021 !

Absolut FCI World Champion Master Cup 2021 Karl-Heinz Wichert
1.FCI OLR World Champion 2021 2 Best Races of 41 Finals T.B
4.FCI OLR World Champion 2021 over all 41 Final Races
7.FCI OLR World Champion 2021 4 Best of 41 Finals Team B
8.FCI OLR World Champion 2021 4 Best of 41 Finals Team A
FCI World Champion Super Cup 2021 Team Brandt/Wichert
5.FCI World Champion 2021 4 best Results from 41 Final Races
6.FCI World Champion 2021 2 best Results from 41 Final Races
One Loft Race World League
1.Champion Speed Championship
3.Place Masters World Cup
3.Place Top in Finals Championship
5.Place Long Distance Championship
One Loft Race Top Results 2021 only Top 24
14.=1.Preis 530 km 4033 b. Final Pattaya
286.Preis 530 km 4033 b. Final Pattaya
288.Preis 530 km 4033 b. Final Pattaya
1.Preis Final 505 km Kalimanci 1.342 b.
1.Preis Final 437 km Albanien 358 b.
1.Preis FCI Final 333 km Europa Master Pigeons 1.020 b.
1.Preis Semi Final 361 km Europa Master Pigeons 935 b.
1.Preis HS 1 112 km Sunny Beach 1.295 b.
1.Preis HS 3 270 km Zagreb 1.170 b.
2.Preis Semi Final 361 km Europa Master Pigeons 935 b.
2.Preis Semi Final 290 km Sunny Beach 845 b.
2.Preis HS 3 200 km Suprem 470 b.
2.Preis HS 1 120 km Europa Master Pigeons 1.156 b.
3.Preis HS 1 120 Km Europa Master Pigeons 1.156 b.
3.Preis Final 505 km South Bulgaria 693 b.
3.Preis HS 3 278 km Corabia 336 b.
3.Preis HS 2 193 km Europa Master Pigeons 1.136 b.
3.Preis HS 2 175 km Romania Golden Pigeons 615 b.
3.Preis Final 400 km Suprem 362 b.
4.Preis Semi Final 373 km Horodnic 1.631 b.
4.Preis Final 420 km Sofia 1.196 b.
4.Preis HS 4 200 km Sofia 1.631 b.
4.Preis HS 3 305 km Talent Quatro 1.181 b.
5.Preis Semi Final 297 km Albanien 405 b.
5.Preis HS 3 252 km Horodnic 1.907 b.
5.Preis HS 4 200 km Sofia 1.631 b.
5.Preis Extra Final 518 km Giewont 140 b.
5.Preis HS 2 160 km Mediterraneo 821 b.
6.Preis Semi Final 265 km Sofia 1.406 b.
7.Preis HS 2 180 km Algarve Great Derby 2.735 b.
7.Preis HS 2 164 km Horodnic 1.919 b.
7.Preis FCI Final 300 km Mediterraneo 791 b.
7.Preis FCI Final 368 km Corabia 196 b.
9.Preis HS 4 320 km Horodnic 1.840 b.
9.Preis Semi Final 375 km Talent Quatro 972 b.
10.Preis Final 437 km Albanien 358 b.
11.Preis HS 1 110 km Suprem 557 b.
11.Preis Final 454 km Europa Master Pigeons 889 b.
12.Preis Final 505 km Kalimanci 1.342 b.
12.Preis HS 1 146 km Mediterraneo 1.017 b.
13.Preis Semi Final 265 km Sofia 1.406 b.
13.Preis Final 425 km Sunny Beach 630 b.
13.Preis HS 3 263 km Europa Master Pigeons 1.020 b.
14.Preis Semi Final 361 km Europa Master Pigeon 935 b.
14.Preis HS 2 145 km Sofia 2.142 b.
15.Preis Semi Final 270 km Suprem 445 b.
15.Preis Final 454 km Europa Master Pigeons 889 b.
15.Preis Semi Final 265 km Sofia 1.406 b.
16.Preis FCI Final 300 km Mediterraneo 791 b.
16.Preis HS 2 165 km Albanien 637 b.
16.Preis Final 437 km Albanien 358 b.
17.Preis HS 2 165 km Albanien 637 b.
17.Preis Final 510 km Talent Quatro 832 b.
17.Preis HS 3 263 km Europa Master Pigeons 1.078 b.
18.Preis HS 2 165 km Albanien 637 b.
21.Preis Final 435 km Giewont 554 b.
24.Preis Extra Final 518 km Giewont 140 b.
24.Preis Final 510 km Talent Quatro 832 b.
Only Top 8 Ace-Pigeons
1.Ace-Pigeon OLR Corabia Speed 2021 4 Races
2.Ace-Pigeon OLR Sunny Beach 2021
3.Ace-Pigeon OLR Europa Master Pigeo. 2021 Elite Ace 6 Races
4.Ace-Pigeon OLR Sofia 2021
5.Ace-Pigeon OLR Europa Master Pigeon 2021 FCI Ace 4 Races
6.Ace-Pigeon OLR Europe Master Pigeon 2021 Elite Ace 6 Races
7.Ace-Pigeon OLR South Bulgaria 2021
8.Ace-Pigeon OLR Europa Master Pigeon 2021 Elite Ace 6 Races
8.Ace-Pigeon OLR Kalimanci 2021
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