First Flights Outside

Algarve great derby Team:

### Ringo’s Report: First Flights Outside at the Algarve Great Derby
Hello again, feathered friends and loyal followers! It’s Ringo, your pigeon reporter, bringing you the latest update from our loft at the Algarve Great Derby. Exciting times are upon us, as the nets have come down and we’re finally flying outside!
#### The Nets Come Down
The big day finally arrived. The nets were taken down, and for the first time, we had the freedom to soar into the open sky. It was a sight to behold, with our wings spread wide and the vast blue sky welcoming us.
At first, some of us were a bit hesitant. The open sky can be intimidating when you’re used to the safety of the loft. A few of my friends took their time, cautiously peering out before taking the leap. But others—oh, they took to it like they’d been doing it their whole lives!
#### The First Taste of Freedom
This week has been all about exploring without any pressure. The trainers are letting us fly as much or as little as we want. It’s been a fantastic opportunity to get used to our surroundings and build confidence in our flying abilities.
I watched in awe as Swift, the pigeon I mentioned last time, darted out with incredible ease. He looked like he was born for this moment, gliding through the air with grace and precision. His confidence is contagious, and it’s inspiring many of us to push past our initial fears.
#### Embracing the Open Sky
While some pigeons were initially afraid, it didn’t take long for most of us to embrace the freedom. The loft, though still our safe haven, now serves as our starting point for grand adventures. It’s thrilling to feel the wind beneath our wings and see the world from high above.
Even I, your humble reporter, felt a rush of exhilaration the first time I took off. The landscape below, the endless sky above—there’s nothing quite like it. We’re learning the lay of the land, finding our bearings, and most importantly, learning to return home safely through the trap.
#### Looking Ahead
This week has been all about acclimatizing, but we know things will ramp up soon. Next week, the trainers will start to push us into the air more deliberately, ensuring we’re building the stamina and skills needed for the races ahead. It’s going to be challenging, but we’re ready for it.
For now, we’re enjoying the calm before the storm. Each day, more and more of us are taking longer flights, exploring further afield, and returning with stories of our adventures. The camaraderie in the loft is stronger than ever, with everyone supporting and encouraging each other.
So there you have it, folks—the latest from the Algarve Great Derby. The nets are down, and we’re flying free, getting ready for the challenges that lie ahead. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey. This is Ringo, signing off from the loft.
Fly high, stay safe, and embrace the adventure!






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